Hey there everyone,
Wow, I can't believe that it is December again...Time sure has flown by this year. I think that the fact that snow doesn't exist here makes it hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. I'm guessing that you guys might have plenty of that before too long. I'm glad to hear that you had a good Thanksgiving, and that you were able to visit with the family and what not. We ate really good on Thursday even though there is no Thanksgiving here. It wasn't turkey, but tacos are just about as good so I was happy. It sounds like a lot of things are changing with the house, everyone growing up etc. It will be strange to see all of the changes.
Well this week was pretty good. The church launched a new program for Christmas that we are putting into effect- it´s called "He is the Gift". I'm sure that you have probably heard of it. It is focused on helping the people to remember the real reason that we celebrate Christmas. It has been a valuable resource for contacting and talking to the people. We haven't found any new people to teach yet by using it, but we have several appointments lined up for this week with new people so it should be pretty cool to see what happens, especially ase we get a bit closer to Christmas. Well we have a few people that are still progressing really well. The O. family are doing really well. They are really excited to keep learning. They are accepting everything really well. We had a bit of a curve ball thrown at us this week with M. A. We have only taught him like 4 times and every time that we have taught him he has told us how much he hates the catholic church and how terrible it is. The last time we taught him we invited him to be baptized and he said no I would never get baptized in your church because I was already baptized in mine. We asked him which church he belonged to and he told us the Catholic church. I guess he hates it, but not enough to leave. It was a strange lesson. We started teaching another family this week that are just like him. It makes no sense, but I guess there isn´t much that we can do. All we can do is keep looking for others that are ready to accept the gospel. Well that´s about all for this week. I love you all. Talk to you soon!
Elder Schow